

Kne­a­ding the mate­ri­al den­si­fies its struc­tu­re. The grain ori­en­ta­ti­on is main­tai­ned which pro­vi­des very good strength pro­per­ties. Mate­ri­al cos­ts are lowe­red and pro­ces­sing times shor­ten­ed. Abo­ve a cer­tain quan­ti­ty (depen­ding on mate­ri­al, geo­me­try, etc.) drop for­ging is a very eco­no­mic manu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess, pro­vi­ding excel­lent struc­tu­ral properties. 

  • Sam­ple, plan, CAD-file
  • Quan­ti­ty / Call-off quantity
  • Mate­ri­al
  • Desi­red hardness
  • Scope of delivery
  • Deli­very date
  • With or wit­hout mecha­ni­cal processing

By means of your sam­ple, plan or a CAD-file we crea­te the dra­wing of the for­ging blank. Our advice and sup­port start in the con­s­truc­tion pha­se, in order to find an eco­no­mic­al solution. 

They vary depen­ding on the size of the part to be pro­du­ced. The pri­ce depends also on the pro­duc­tion steps. For exam­p­le, if the­re are tight tole­ran­ces to be held, it could be neces­sa­ry to use an addi­tio­nal cali­bra­ti­on tool. 

  • Alloy and non-alloy steel
  • Stain­less high-gra­de steel
  • Alu­mi­ni­um alloys
  • Cop­per alloys
  • Tita­ni­um alloys
  • Nickel-base alloys

Our engi­neers are hap­py to advi­se you on choo­sing the sui­ta­ble material.

Drop for­ging can be pro­fi­ta­ble from a very small quan­ti­ty (e. g. 20 pc.). We have spe­cia­li­zed in pro­du­cing small to medi­um batch sizes. 

We have more than 130 years of expe­ri­ence. We offer hot for­ged com­pon­ents, machi­ned rea­dy for instal­la­ti­on. Due to our high level of fle­xi­bi­li­ty, the short lead times and our high stan­dard of qua­li­ty, we pro­vi­de our cus­to­mers with true added value. You can count on us. 

We store the tools free of char­ge for 3 years after the last pro­duc­tion date. The­re are no fur­ther cos­ts for the main­ten­an­ce of the tools. Tool modi­fi­ca­ti­ons due to geo­me­tric chan­ges fol­lo­wing cus­to­mer requests are char­ged based on work times.