The roots of «Ham­mer­schmit­te zu Ober­burg» go back to the year 1672, when a licen­se was issued for run­ning a wire dra­wing fac­to­ry. Howe­ver, it wasn’t until 100 years later, that the “Ham­mer­schmit­te” was offi­ci­al­ly foun­ded and Hein­rich Duerr com­men­ced ope­ra­ti­on of the first ham­mer mill. (1761) Over the years the ham­mer mill was led by dif­fe­rent fami­lies. In 1886 it was taken over by Gott­fried Flue­ki­ger, a nail maker from the regi­on. Sin­ce then, the com­pa­ny Flue­ki­ger & Co. AG has been pro­du­cing high qua­li­ty metal parts by mas­si­ve forming and machi­ning. The­se com­pon­ents are used for various mecha­ni­cal appli­ca­ti­ons, e.g., machi­ne indus­try, trans­por­ta­ti­on, motor sport, agri­cul­tu­ral engi­nee­ring and aero­space industry. 



In 1983 the com­pa­ny was chan­ged from a limi­t­ed part­ner­ship to a stock com­pa­ny becau­se of inhe­ri­tance law reasons. At the same time the fami­ly name was cor­rec­ted to Flue­ki­ger (wit­hout a “c”). After more than 130 years Flue­ki­ger & Co. AG is still a fami­ly-owned com­pa­ny, employ­ing about 50 peo­p­le, and may call its­elf the lar­gest drop for­ging com­pa­ny in Switz­er­land. With modern machi­nery, an excel­lent qua­li­ty manage­ment sys­tem (ISO 9001, EN9100) and well-trai­ned employees, we are per­fect­ly pre­pared for the future. Thanks to our short deli­very times, our exper­ti­se, and a high degree of fle­xi­bi­li­ty, we are pro­vi­ding true added value for our customers. 

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Year 1890



Our tasks are our mis­si­on. The tasks that we need to car­ry out in order to achie­ve our visi­on. For­ging is our pas­si­on. We feel obli­ged to qua­li­ty and inno­va­ti­on and we work with dedi­ca­ti­on to pro­vi­de our cus­to­mers with true added value, to always meet or even exceed their expec­ta­ti­ons. As a com­pa­ny with gre­at tra­di­ti­on and com­mit­ment to our area, we con­sis­t­ent­ly use our tech­ni­cal exper­ti­se to secu­re attrac­ti­ve jobs in Ober­burg. By careful­ly plan­ning our finan­cial resour­ces, we aim to stay finan­ci­al­ly inde­pen­dent and gua­ran­tee our company’s las­ting suc­cess. We are part of our envi­ron­ment and we want to pro­tect it by con­ti­nu­al­ly deve­lo­ping sus­tainable, safe, low-emis­si­on and ener­gy-saving pro­duc­tion processes. 



Our visi­on is ste­ady and embo­dies our company’s fun­da­men­tal values.

Flü­ki­ger & Co. AG aims to be the lea­ding Swiss com­pa­ny in manu­fac­tu­ring high-qua­li­ty metal com­pon­ents by mas­si­ve hot forming and machi­ning, mee­ting the hig­hest stan­dards, and the­r­e­fo­re be your part­ner and sup­pli­er of choice in mecha­ni­cal, air­craft and aero­space industry.

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Our values reflect our cha­rac­ter, the way we think, feel and act. We are pro­fes­sio­nal and have a solid busi­ness cul­tu­re. Our know-how and expe­ri­ence make us experts in our field. We under­stand our cus­to­mers and trans­form their requests into high-qua­li­ty hot for­ged pro­ducts. We are fle­xi­ble, relia­ble and on sche­du­le. We are awa­re of the fact that things chan­ge quick­ly in our cus­to­mers’ busi­ness envi­ron­ment. To us modi­fi­ca­ti­ons aren’t dis­rup­ti­ons, but a com­pe­ti­ti­ve advan­ta­ge. Careful plan­ning and lean pro­ces­ses help us to face the­se chal­lenges and to main­tain our depen­da­bili­ty and adhe­rence to sche­du­les despi­te any occur­ring chan­ges. We have a strong team spi­rit and com­mu­ni­ca­te open­ly. Our team is strong in cha­rac­ter and each of us can rely on the others, for the team is grea­ter than the sum of its parts. Honest com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on is prac­ti­ced at every level and we are open to cri­ti­cal voices, becau­se that’s how we can impro­ve continuously.

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Board of Directors


Tho­mas Bern­hard joi­n­ed the com­pa­ny in 2006 in the cour­se of suc­ces­si­on plan­ning. After com­ple­ting his part-time stu­dies to beco­me a mecha­ni­cal engi­neer FH/BSc, he was elec­ted to the manage­ment team and hea­ded the design depart­ment. In 2014, he took over the ope­ra­tio­nal manage­ment of the com­pa­ny and has been Chair­man of the Board of Direc­tors sin­ce 2019.


After com­ple­ting his part-time stu­dies as a mecha­ni­cal engi­neer FH/BSc, Tho­mas Zingg joi­n­ed the com­pa­ny in 2013 and has been in char­ge of sales sin­ce then. Sin­ce 2015, he has been a mem­ber of the Exe­cu­ti­ve Board and, in addi­ti­on to sales, is also respon­si­ble for purcha­sing. In 2019, Mr. Zingg was elec­ted to the Board of Direc­tors as Vice Chairman.


New com­pa­ny logo with a new web­site and image film
HPQ super­s­truc­tu­re cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on from Deut­sche Bahn 
Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on accor­ding to the avia­ti­on stan­dard EN-9100
After 30 years, Urs Flü­ki­ger is han­ding over ope­ra­tio­nal manage­ment
to Tho­mas Bern­hard;
Tho­mas Zingg is elec­ted to the management
Anni­ver­sa­ry 250 years of ham­mer for­ge; 125 years of Flükiger
HPQ cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on from Deut­sche Bahn for rail vehic­le parts;
Tho­mas Bern­hard joins the com­pa­ny as part of the suc­ces­si­on plan
Exten­si­on for a for­ging group with one
Drop ham­mer Las­co with 125 kJ impact power
Inter­net pre­sence with www.fluekiger.ch
Expan­si­on of mecha­ni­cal pro­ces­sing
with new mil­ling machines
Foun­da­ti­on of a stock cor­po­ra­ti­on with Franz Flü­ki­ger,
Urs Flü­ki­ger and Fran­zis­ka Flü­ki­ger as shareholders
Con­s­truc­tion of a new hall for the mecha­ni­cal
Machi­ning, heat tre­at­ment and shipping
New con­s­truc­tion of the for­ge hall; Acqui­si­ti­on of the first lar­ger clo­sed-die for­ging ham­mer Pen­so­t­ti with an impact force of 25kJ
Purcha­se of the Ham­mer­schmit­te Ober­burg
by Gott­fried Flükiger-Stalder
Crea­ting a tail ham­mer mill and
first-time Men­tio­ned as “Ham­mer­schmit­te”
Gran­ting a licen­se to ope­ra­te
a wire dra­wing machi­ne Hein­rich Zündel
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